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Our Project's Background

Industrial fluids are incredibly important to modern-day engineering. They are present in most, if not all mechanical systems and help them to run as efficiently as they can. An important industrial unit, whose primary function is making sure these fluids help mechanical systems run as smoothly as possible, is a heat exchanger. Industrial heat exchangers are used for the transfer and heat regulation of large-scale industrial fluids. Naturally, these heat exchangers need to be tested before installment to make sure that they can accomplish their primary function. This project focuses on the reliability of heat exchangers through testing. To be more specific, Our group has been tasked with finding a way to improve upon the Oil testing POU system which is being used by our assigned manufacturing facility. This oil testing system is used to check for any possible areas of leaks that may be present in a variety of different-sized heat exchangers. This presentation will explain all the issues and requirements of the facility's testing system, as well as convey all steps the group will go through to satisfy the facility’s request. This project was based in Buffalo, New York.

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